
We take our people, our company and the environment to heart.
For a long time, we have been committed to increasing the sustainability of every aspect of our company in order to keep people and the surrounding environment safe. 
Motor Power Company is walking its talk by adopting low-environmental-impact production processes and offering products featuring energy-saving technology. 

Sostenibilità Ragazza

We promote waste reduction and recovery through recycling and support sustainable purchasing practices, engaging our supply chain. 

We foster inclusion and gender parity. We support the right balance between work and free time.

These principles underlie everything we do every day and our sights are always raised to see possibility, to make our habits and processes more sustainable for our people, our company, the environment and all stakeholders.

Our commitment in points


  • Reducing our carbon footprint by 50% off by 2025
  • Energy-saving production and work procedures
  • Sustainable purchasing for the environment and society
  • Designing safe products with the least environmental impact
  • Minimizing waste and applying recycling. Read the instructions to properly dispose of our packaging materials
  • New construction totally designed in accordance with ecodesign and environmental harmonization


  • Inclusion and Equal Opportunities: Our Commitment to DE&I
  • Inclusiveness for employees with disabilities
  • Health and safe workplace
  • Welfare contribution for family expenses
  • Flexible work schedule arrangements to support work and family balance
  • Support for local schools/universities to sponsor young talent
  • Charitable foundation donations 


  • Anti-corruption practices and principles (DL 231)
  • Lean and transparent relationship with customers, suppliers, employees, local community and business partners
  • Supply chain classification system (Ecovadis certification system)
  • Code of ethics 

% reduction of CO2 emissions from 2021


% of employees are women


different nationalities


years’ average length of service

Motor Power Company adopts manufacturing processes creating low environmental impact, while the employment of its motion control products offers energy saving technologies.

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