
Sustainability | 7/10/2023

Sustainable success: impressive cut in our Carbon Footprint in 2022

Exceptional reduction in our carbon footprint in 2022, which shows significant progress towards the company's goal of reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2025.

Through a collective effort and the implementation of innovative strategies, we have achieved a remarkable reduction in CO2 emissions in two key areas: Scope 1, which includes the use of gas for heating and fuel for our corporate fleet. The reduction in the consumption of these materials has resulted in a significant decrease in emissions, and in 2022, we recorded only 218 tCO2eq of CO2 emissions compared to 249 tCO2eq emitted in 2021. This 12.5% reduction from the previous year represents a substantial achievement.

But that's not all!

We have achieved an even more significant result for Scope 2, which pertains to electricity consumption. Throughout the year, our energy efficiency initiatives and adoption of renewable sources have allowed us to reduce CO2 emissions to only 69.68 tCO2eq, compared to 107 tCO2eq in 2021. This represents an extraordinary reduction of 34.8%

The importance of these results cannot be underestimated. They are a testament to our ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability and our progress towards the goal of reducing our carbon footprint by 50% by 2025. Thanks to targeted initiatives and the adoption of increasingly eco-friendly practices, we are demonstrating our tangible commitment to a better future for the planet, with a 20% reduction in our CO2 emissions in 2022.

We will continue to work towards implementing new innovative and sustainable measures, with a continued focus on reducing carbon emissions.

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